Mary Katherine McDermott


We are saddened to tell you that we've just learned of the passing of our classmate Mary Katherine McDermott.  We saw an obituary for Mary Kay's brother recently and sent a note of condolence on behalf of her classmates.  The note was received by, Marge Clericuzio, a friend of Mary Kay's, who replied as follows:

"First, I want to thank you for the kind note sent to 'MK' on the death of her brother Dennis McDermott. Second, I regret to inform you that 'MK' (Mary McDermott) passed away 5 days after her brother of the same cancer on April 28, 2010.  I am the trustee of MK's estate and personal friend for the past 40 years.  I know she would have loved to attend the 50th reunion."

MK lived in Cape Canaveral, FL, for many years.



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