Here are some Peace Corps recollections from our classmates.

Classmate Jan Tupper (Kearney) shares her Peace Corps experiences in India.

 Click here to read all about it.

Classmate Luis Castilla (some of us remember him as Luis Kothe) tells of his Peace Corps memories from Equador.

 Click here to read all about it.

Classmate Reuben Aaronson recalls his Peace Corps experiences in Chile.

 Click here to read all about it.

Classmate Lynn Garber (Barclay) shares her Peace Corps experiences in Korea.

 Click here to read all about it.

Classmate Barbara Hoffman (Wallbrecher) taught English in Afghanistan.


Classmate Susan Barach (Solomon) served with the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone. 

 Click here to read all about it.


Do you have a Peace Corps memory to share? Send it to