Mr. Baron as he appears today

(Possibly posed so as to discourage attacks?)


Here are Paul "Chip" Chaney's recollections of his somewhat truncated career as Mr. Baron:

Mr. Baron  was attacked twice at two different schools.  The first time was at Montgomery Blair HS, I believe, and someone ripped it off my head and ran away with it.  I was a freshman, so that would have been the fall of 1958.  After that, two girls who lived somewhere east of Wisconsin Avenue along Cedar Lane were nice enough to make a new one out of paper-mache during the intervening summer. 


That one was ripped off at its first outing after a game at Walter Johnson HS, probably in 1959.  I looked around and saw a guy wearing the uniform of a St. John's College student celebrating the event and tackled him.  We rolled down the hill and scuffled a bit before a teacher came up and started hitting us with her umbrella, breaking it up. 


After that, they must have decided it was a lost cause.


Mr. Baron's Secret Identity



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