What's New With You?
Here's a taste of what our classmates have been up to lately.
Classmate Jon Wisman has won American University's highest award!
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Joan McInturff Wetmore tells us about her latest career change.
Click here to read all about it.
We've added Classmate Reuben Aaronson's "documentary" about the class of 1961 to our article about his films shown at the Sundance Festival, one of which was a finalist for "Best Documentary".
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Chip Chaney shares his recollection of President Kennedy's assassination with us.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Peter Hartjens shares his Incredible Journey for Local Food with us.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Vicky Tiel's latest book The Absolute Woman has been published and is available on Amazon.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Steve Mayer tells us about his visit to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and his amazing connection to Anne Frank.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Herb Thomas tells us about his marriage to a long time friend.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Paul Chaney (some of us remember him as "Mister Baron") tells us about his favorite "must see" attraction in Washington, DC.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Martin Garber ran for Oklahoma House of Representatives.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Si Kahn's website and newsletter
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Jay Skow's 1952 Ford Custom is still making the news.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Tom Price shares his Applachian Adventure with us.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Debbie Williamson Rine's move to Verona, Italy!
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Charlie Sither shares his European hiking adventures with us.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Bob "Scrabble King" Linn's interview discussing his Scrabble philosophy.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate John Dunton tells us about his experiences with vacation sharing, and his adventures in France.
Click here to read all about it.
Classmate Rusty Johnson spins a yarn about his "mountaineering" experience struggling up to Camp Muir on Mount Rainier.
Click here to read all about it.
Have a tale to tell, tall or otherwise? Send it to 61.committee@gmail.com (Don't worry, we won't fact check them.)